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The Sonya Looney Show

Hey everybody! My name is Sonya Looney and welcome to my podcast. For those of you who don’t have any context on me, I’m a plant-based World Champion ultra endurance mountain biker. I travel the world and have met some incredible people with world class attitudes and ways of living that motivate me daily, and I want to share their paths of mastery with you. This is a podcast interviewing inspiring leaders across the categories of wellness, endurance fitness, plant-based nutrition, mindset, and entrepreneurship to help you unlock the best and healthiest version of yourself.

Jan 31, 2019

Have you ever felt that positive momentum when you're on the right track or that something was meant to happen? This podcast episode with NYT best-selling author, speaker, and coach Christy Whitman goes deep into the 7 Universal Laws. You might be most familiar with the Law of Attraction where you manifest your...

Jan 24, 2019

Nicolette Richer is making huge strides in the power of natural healing. She is an entrepreneur and owner of the delicious whole food, plant-based organic cafe franchise: The Green Moustache. She also is a TEDx speaker, author of her new book, Eat Real to Heal, host of the podcast Eat Real to Heal, and founder of...

Jan 17, 2019

Negotiation is a skill and something we can all practice.  I was never particularly interested in negotiation until my entire income became based on how well I could negotiate. The first year was intimidating and to be honest, I still get nervous. I wanted to know the rules and how the experts did it. I've read a few...

Jan 10, 2019

Have you ever wondered if you could build muscle on a plant-based diet?  This week, I sat down with Derek Simnett to talk about his shift from being more of a skateboarder, runner type to calisthenics and going to the gym.  Not only does Derek have a perfectly chiseled, muscular physique and inspires others to be...

Jan 3, 2019

I recently asked people on Twitter what new habits they are trying to adopt. 95% of the responses had meditation as one of the habits.  I've read a lot of articles on how meditation physically changes the brain, how it's a gamechanger not only for performance, but simply for enjoying life and how consistency is...